About Crystals

On this page you can find information about the crystals that we use to make our bracelets, and also discover their meaning and properties.


Agate is one of the most important protective stones. Keeps negative energies away and leads to inner balance. As a protective stone, it strengthens self-confidence, promotes self-acceptance and gives comfort.

Stone of Happiness, it can aid in lifting depression by opening the door of understanding. It can bring feeling of happiness to the person.

Agate is a form of chalcedony which naturally forms in bands of beautiful colors. It occurs as a cavity filling in lava and can often have wonderful crystals growing inside.

An Agate Geode, immersed in dye before cutting, produces random absorption of color. When they are cut and polished the finished product looks spectacular. There are many natural colors of Agate, each having a slightly different vibration.

Agate provides for the balancing of yin-yang energy and is therefore a good overall healing stone that brings balance to all parts of the body. It is a stone that helps create a bridge between the physical and the etheric bodies, seeking truth and courage within.

Different Properties according to its colors:

-Yellow Agate: Emotional Balance

-Blue Agate: Serenity, calmness, and intuition. It is associated with the truth, loyalty, and confidentiality.

Orange Agate: Creativity, Imagination.

Red Agate: Strength, Fighting Spirit.

Marine Agate: Communication, Fidelity.

Brown Agate: Emotional and Cosmic Energy.

Green Agate: Happiness, Activates Circulation.

Botswana Agate: Calmness, Equilibrium and Oxygenation to the physical Body.


The Amethyst is one of the most important crystals in the planet, is a Master Stone, a fundamental crystal and highly protective.  It ‘s curative powers not only are present in the body but also at the soul or spiritual level. Its purple color is considered to transmute the negative for the positive.

Admired for its beauty, this semi-precious stone is known for its spirituality and used extensively for healing and meditation. It represents peace, tranquility, and serenity.  In moments of despair or sadness, this crystal can help calm our thoughts, and our feelings.

It can strengthen the immune system and aid both the pituitary and pineal glands. It is, therefore, an exceptionally good blood cleanser. Also used for alleviating headaches or migraines.

Amethyst tumbled stones kept in your pocket or Amethyst worn as a necklace or bracelet, emits a gentle, emotional calming energy.  Is a natural tranquilizer in which helps to block negative environmental energies.  Use it when you are meditating, it can help to center your thoughts, and potentiate new and creative ideas. Also helps to common sense, memory, and an emotional healer.

Often Amethyst and Rose Quartz tumbled stones together are given to loved ones to cool and calm anger and frustrations. It is also used to accentuate to emotions of love. The darker the Amethyst the darker and more mysterious the love!


The most common color for Aventurine is green, although it is also found in a salmon-red or blue. Green Aventurine is used to balance the heart chakra and is considered to be a protector of this center in both dimensions – the etheric and the physical. It is often associated with the zodiac sign Libra – the scales – since it weighs and balances the alignment of the intellectual –logic and reason – and the emotional bodies.

It is translucent to opaque and contains plates of mineral inclusions that give it an iridescent or glistening effect. This sparkling effect is known as “aventurescence.” It is often mistaken for Malachite, Amazonite, and Jade.

It is known as the Stone of Opportunity, it can attract good luck, abundance and success.  You can store it in a box or a drawer to attract money.

Green Aventurine can promote strength, confidence, courage, and happiness. Renews optimism for life and helps us make the right choices, for the right path or the things we want in this world. Also it can comfort, harmonize and protect your heart, which can help attract love into your life.


Carnelian provides perception and awakens our talents by channeled inspiration. It is an excellent stone for daydreamers because it sharpens the concentration and helps reduce absentmindedness. It dispels apathy and mental lethargy.

As a mystical stone, it is said that placing a piece of Carnelian above each opening of the home, will protect you from psychic attack and return negativity back to where it first originated.


It is a dense heavy stone with a metallic grey finish when polished.

Used for concentration, hematite makes a great worry stone. Three of four smooth pieces tumbled through your fingers really does have the effect of grounding and cantering one’s energy field.

This is a stone that most healers will not do without. It works extremely well at restoring, strengthening, and regulating the blood flow. Hands, crippled from bad circulation, seem to respond to holding a piece of Hematite.

In fact there are many who take a piece to bed with them to hold while they drift off to sleep. Sufferers of cramp and spasms notice an immediate improvement in their health just by having it touch their skin.

Hematite grounds negative energies that manifest as stress and calms the nerves. It releases us from compulsive habits like drinking, over-eating and smoking – and from nervous obsessive behavior.

Hematite is particularly useful for students during exams; for pre-wedding nerves; moving to a new house or dealing with any legal paper-pushing organization!


White Howlite has a soothing pulse and is excellent in the use of insomnia. It slows the activity of the mind and allows undisturbed rest. It is used in the teachings of patience and aids memory expansion.

Howlite can eliminate rage and calm violent, uncontrolled anger. Keep it in your pocket or on your person to absorb negative energies. It will prove a great help in controlling your own anger and will soften anger directed at you.

Red Howlite is color-enhanced white Howlite. It has the same qualities as white Howlite and goes a little further by bringing positivity with it. It opens the mind to change and instead of just accepting a situation, it triggers the idea of change.


Helps to eliminate negative energies, and has the virtue of causing calmness, serenity and peace of mind.  Is great for meditation because it aids in concentration, specially helping in relaxing the mind.

A calming stone, good for meditation and believed by many to rid the body of toxins. It works on the crown and heart chakras.

Attracts good luck, carry it as an amulet to attract good fortune.

Providing confidence through eliminating fear of failure, this stone also helps heal addictive personalities and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It encourages attention to physical strength.

It is used by healers to work on the Kundalini energy. It is a good emotional healer, enhancing psychic powers and giving protection whilst working.

Blue Jade: Symbolizes peace and reflexion. Brings patience and internal serenity.

Brown Jade: Helps to ground the process, connects with the Earth, helping you readjust with a new environment.

Green Jade: The most common color. Calms the nervous system and helps to harmonize destructive relationships.

Orange Jade: Energetic and mild stimulator. Brings happiness and interconnection between people.

Red Jade: The most passionate and stimulating of all.  Associated with love.

White Jade: Diverts the energy in a constructive way. Filters distractions, finding the best result possible and helps in the decision making.


Forty years ago if you were lucky enough to come across a piece of Labradorite it would have looked like a piece of sparkly hard coal or granite.

We never saw it polished and healers would say that it was the most magical of minerals although it didn’t appear quite so. Labradorite in its raw state was ‘interesting’ mysterious and thought provoking but only the most sensitive were truly able to feel its potential. The first polished pieces came much later and once one saw the flash of incredible labradorescence one knew that everything that was felt needed multiplying by a thousand times. The mystery of Labradorite lies it it’s fascinating molecular structure that consists of many micro fine  layers that seem to trap and refract the light. Held under a light source and moved around the light catches from certain angles and shafts of rainbow colours blaze brightly. Incredible interference colours that flash and move and dance and as quick as they are found they are gone. Spectacular displays of scattering light.

A shaman preforming a healing would take a piece of polished Labradorite and wave it around the aura concentrating on on the Ladradorescence, where it shines and flashes and more importantly where it does not. From this humbly respectful way of using the Labradorite much information can be gleaned.

Where Rainbow Moonstone represents the the Moon Goddess, Goddess of light, Labradorite represents the Dark Moon Goddess. She who is unseen, the dark side of the moon that never shows its face. Things that are buried deep within the psyche, emotions that are hidden, fears, guilt, loss, addictions, abuse etc are bundled up in tight energy balls or pockets and carried in the aura. They weigh one down and feed on ones insecurities, weakness and anxieties. They keep one small, stop them enjoying their path and in extreme circumstance can make very ill.

A shaman will feel this in their patient and go looking for where the negative energy pockets are. The Labradorite will reflect the lights areas and reveal energetically dark areas.

Ladradorite is said to bring the wearer a wealth of wisdom and understanding. It is used to heal ‘too much head energy’ and ground the activity of an overactive mind. It also aids menstrual tension and balances the hormones. With patience and trust labradorite can assist one in determinedly letting go of the ‘things’ that no longer serve one well.  It is customarily worn as a piece of jewelry around the neck and, for meditations, held in the leading hand.


It will make you aware that all your suffering and pain serve a higher purpose in your emotional, mental, and spiritual growth.

This stone will help you realize that your bad experiences and challenges will be the catalyst for moving forward or making that big change in your life.

They will make you discover your own strength and courage, and they will give you peace and confidence to just keep going!

It will bring in more wisdom and calmness to your life.

It will also make you more receptive to gentle and loving words and actions from other people.

Is a heart chakra stone and carries the energy of Divine love and compassion. It is an excellent stone to work with emotional trauma.

It helps you come to terms with past pain and see the meaning and purpose of it in the larger path of your life. This helps you to release the heartache and learn the lessons it was meant to show you


Obsidian is the mysterious volcanic glass whose intrinsic properties include truth – by the reflection of our flaws – and clarity of vision. It gives us the ability to find a clear pathway and to navigate the changes necessary to eliminate ‘dead ends’ from our path. The Aztecs, and possibly the Mayas, certainly prized Obsidian highly and it has been found in many examples of their sacred jewelry and decoration.

It is a strong protective stone which clarifies the inner state of the mind, relieving confusion and centering you with Earth energy. The benefits of Obsidian can be felt almost immediately and by placing a piece on one’s bedside table or under the pillow, it seems to absorb mental stress and tensions. Because of its ability to absorb energy so quickly, it can become saturated and needs to be washed under cold, running water in the morning if it is to be effective the following night.

Great for all ages of children but particularly beneficial to 11-14 year olds, girls and boys. This is a wonderful crystal to help deal with the changes that the child’s body is going through and the emotions that go with it.

It is also used to energetically detoxify your body, by removing energetic blockage. Can aid in joint problems, cramps, and reduce arthritic inflammation.


Onyx healing properties of onyx, think of strength. It is the stone of stability and grounding.

Onyx helps you use your strength and will for positive purposes. It guides you away from using confidence and self-mastery to hurt or destroy.

It promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina.  Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings.

Onyx banishes grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making.

It encourages happiness and good fortune. It is also used as a protective stone or amulet, can block negative energy and invite in positive energy. Commonly used for children as bracelets to prevent the “Evil Eye”.


Unlike other crystals and minerals that are formed in the earth a beautiful natural pearl is formed in an oyster mollusk. These mollusks are dived for in the turquoise salt waters of places like the Caribbean, Thailand, Australia, Indonesia and Tahiti. Fresh water pearls are found in muscles and usually farmed mostly in China.  There is a lot of superstition around pearls and the value is generally high. Some even refer to them as the tears of angels.

Pearls are organic. The most prized are the perfect ones in size and color fetching a fortune and worn by Royalty and celebrities. However most pearls due to the way they develop building up in layers of concentric circles around perhaps a grain of sand, have very natural and expected irregularities.

The healing qualities of pearls are that they are great in calming and balancing the emotions. They cool temper and smooth the nerves.

They are great teachers of self-awareness and placing boundaries. They teach us that we are all perfect in our own way.

Crystal quartz

Known as rock crystal, is one of the most basic and essential healing stones. It is known for its ability to amplify and strengthen the energy. It can absorb and store energy, regulating the vibrations in the environment.

As the master healer, clear quartz claims to aid in physical, emotional, and spiritual issues that you may be experiencing. Because of its ability to affect many areas of life, this crystal can help in healing all of the chakras. As a healing crystal it works on all the chakras: balancing, clearing, and energizing.

This is the true ‘energizer’ crystal. Its clarity and simplicity are the keys to its power. It raises the vibration of the user and opens the channels for healing and communication. When cloudy, it is believed to be a doorway to the mysteries. When clear, it is the power of Mother Earth herself. With Clear Quartz Crystal on or near you – you will experience an uplift of spiritual energy that imbues you with added strength and insight.

Using a clear quartz as part of a jewelry (like a bracelet), can impart the user multiple benefits. Recommend placing the clear quartz in direct contact with the skin, by doing this it will allow the absorption of the energy directly into the quartz and allowing the flow of energy to go where it is needed. The quartz crystal will function by activating your own vibrations and working on them by transmuting the light into healing energies.

Rose Quartz_opt

Rose Quartz

Known as the ‘inner peace’ stone, Rose Quartz is widely believed to emit a calming, cooling energy that works on all the chakras to gently remove negativity and reinstate the calm, gentle force of self-love. It restores tranquility and clarity after times of chaos or crisis.

Rose Quartz opens the crown and brow chakras producing gentleness from within and around the user. It can restore peace and understanding to a relationship or friendship.

Large pieces are often used in places of healing and meditation rooms. It is an excellent healer of the ‘first wound’, which helps us to come to terms with the underlying cause. However, it does it in a gentle, calming way that attunes to one’s own pace. (First wound is the cause from which the illness, disease or issues began. It can be from a long time ago or something that could be considered unrelated or even trivial. However, finding the trigger is a major part in finding a healing or cure

Purple quartz

Purple Quartz’s healing properties would be a combination of Amethyst and Quartz.

This stone helps stimulate mental growth. As an amulet can help can let you reach your ideal life, it leads its owner into the right direction. It has the properties of getting rid of conflicts and difficulties.

It is a healing gemstone, can help in calming your emotions, and helps improving your ups and downs.

Helps dispel negative energy. Soothe mental and emotional stress.


Eliminates confusion, enabling us to find our ‘truth’ in all situations and weight it against the truth of others. It acts on the brow and throat chakras with a slow, pulsing energy that calms and clarifies.

Sodalite helps with phobias and calms panic attacks. Essentially, it has a reassuring and calming effect on our instincts. It is a good stone for the over-sensitive and defensive personality types. It is also a great help in group work. It provides a platform of trust, fellowship and solidarity that unites the aims and goals of the whole group.

Tiger Eye

The tiger eye meaning is willpower, determination, and motivation, both mentally and physically. A Tiger’s eye point is symbolic of moving us towards our highest state.

Tigers Eye is a member of the Quartz family and usually found in South Africa. It works on balancing the energy of the lower chakras – base, sacral and solar plexus – as well as stimulating the kundalini energy. Tiger Eye can be found in a variety of colors and a mix of them, carried in your pocket and tumbled between the fingers during times of stress, has a distinctive calming effect.

The Tiger’s Eye crystal properties encourage you to live boldly, fiercely, and bravely in all aspects of your life. When you are looking for a boost of courage to help you overcome fear or take risks in your life.

It grounds the body allowing the reason, rather than emotion, to trigger the patterns of thought. It is very good during school exams or business meetings.

When you need a boost of bravery, you can create a powerful crystal program for building courage. When you wear, carry and place a Tiger’s Eye crystal in your environment, you can surround yourself with its energy and align yourself with its bold courageousness.

Whether you choose to wear a Tiger’s Eye crystal, carry one with you or place it nearby, keeping this crystal close will enhance your ability to overcome fear and reach success in all areas of your life.

Wear: One powerful way to access the motivating Tiger’s Eye crystal meaning is through wearing it. Wear a bracelet made of Tiger’s Eye crystals on your left hand to promote a courageous outlook on life.

Blue Tigers Eye

Works in an opposite way to Red. It calms the overanxious, the quick-tempered and people who are phobic. It also eases the stress from times when you simply feel ‘hot and bothered’.

Red Tiger Eye

Red Tigers Eye works on the lower chakras and stimulates the fight or flight energy. From overcoming difficulties, being called to action or dealing with chaos this mineral is quick to react and deliver. Red Tiger Eye is useful when you are feeling lethargic and need motivation. It can help to speed up a slow metabolism and used to stimulate sexual interest for those with a low sex drive.


Citrine is a crystal that does not hold negative energy. It can take negativity and ground it. Hence it never needs to be cleansed.

This crystal works on the solar plexus chakra. It communicates on the etheric as an early warning system, alerting us that self-protection is necessary and allowing us to place barriers before an attack. This healing crystal can aid digestion and disorders of the stomach.

It has also been used for visual problems, tenacity, to activate the thymus and to balance the thyroid. It is a stone for regeneration and recharge. It attracts what is needed – which is not always what is wanted. Citrine eliminates destructive tendencies by raising the self-esteem.

It brings cheer and a light heart, hope, warmth, and energy to all who work in the energy of this beautiful crystal.

It is widely considered a crystal of male or positive energies and is often placed beside a female crystal, such as Amethyst, to balance energy fields between them. When used in configuration healings it is placed in the East, the position of fire and the home of intuition.

Citrine is a sparkling and cheery yellowish-orange stone that combats negative and unwanted energies, paving the way for success into every aspect of life.

Citrine is also known as “success stone” because it brings success and prosperity, especially in business. And it is also called the “Merchant’s Stone” because of the practice of placing this stone in the cash registers at stores.

To enhance prosperity, place citrine in the back left corner or your home (prosperity corner). You can determine the back left corner by standing at the front door and facing inward. You can also place it in the back left corner of any room to enhance prosperity. If you run a business, place it in your cash register or cash box to promote prosperity for the business.

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